medical cooling

Why cooling is medically needed ?


Cooling the body is a well-known method for reducing inflammation, swollen body-parts (like ankles) but also for a person’s well being, greatly reducing pain. Heat has the opposite effect on people.

Heat is particularly dangerous for cardiovascular patients and senior citizens

Because the body suffers from loss of fluids and heat accumulation under hot conditions, high temperatures place a heavy demand on our cardiovascular system. In particular, cardiovascular patients are at risk from such stress. Elderly people are also affected because the sense for thirst decreases with age, so that frequently too little liquid is taken in over a longer period of time. In addition, the body's ability to perspire is diminished in old age and thus, the extent of heat dissipation through this mechanism is reduced.

Both may lead to heat accumulation accompanied by an acute rise in body temperature that can culminate with heatstroke or even failure of the vital organs. However, with appropriate cooling, these outcomes can be alleviated.

Inuteq’s cooling wrap

The dry cooling technology from Inuteq can be applied to any medical situation where cooling is needed, through a specially developed wrap. The wrap can be customized for the ankle, knee, elbow or any other body part, containing both a cooling part and a stretching part, so the wrap will be both supporting and cooling while having a custom fit.

Contrary to icepacks, which work only for 15-30 minutes, the inuteq cooling wrap will work for at least 24 hours, so the patient will have continuous cooling even at night while sleeping.

The Inuteq cooling technology will cool the body between 5-20 degrees Celsius depending on humidity (at 50% humidity 10-15 degrees cooling will be achieved).

The cooling by evaporation used and patented by Inuteq will give the patient a pain-relieving experience. 

MS-patient are helped by cooling

High temperatures can have negative effects on people with multiple sclerosis. A common symptom of this disease that occurs in approximately 80% of those with MS, is the Uhthoff´s phenomenon. This is when neurological symptoms deteriorate due to an increase in body temperature because of fever, physical exertion or simply because of an increase in the environmental temperature, e.g. in the summer, in hot countries or in warm rooms.

In addition to an often dramatic deterioration in physical symptoms, patients can also become exhausted more quickly ("fatigue syndrome"). Both these effects have a huge impact on a patient's every day and working life, and a considerable influence on their quality-of-life.

However, these effects are reversible, which means that the negative symptoms disappear when the body is cooled.


The complete solution

Thermal stress on the body, fluid loss, exhaustion, lack of concentration, drop in performance, stress on the cardiovascular system, hot workplaces are often associated with an increased exposure on health.

Body temperature rises, large amounts of fluids are lost. The cardiovascular system suffers along with many metabolic processes.

Protect your body against thermal stress with Inuteq through its natural personalized and long-lasting temperature regulation system.